IPN - Instituto Pedro Nunes

IPN     IPN Incubadora


It's constituted by training actions and/or consulting developed according to the needs of the companies.
Tailor-made training considers a prior needs diagnosis. In this way, the training and/or consultancy to be developed are aligned with the company's strategy/objectives.


  • Holding meetings to gather information
  • Analysis of the current context/comparison with the goals to be achieved
  • Identification of the themes to be developed
  • Preparation of an action plan (training and/or consultancy)
  • Carrying out training/consultancy training actions
  • Constant evaluation and follow-up in order to identify potential deviations
  • Final evaluation and presentation of results
The IPN offers this type of training through:
Funded projects: SME training
Or through the provision of services performed by the Training Department.

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