IPN - Instituto Pedro Nunes

IPN     IPN Incubadora
From Concept to Funding: Crafting Successful Horizon Europe Proposals


• Enhance participants' ability to design, implement, manage, and complete the preparation of successful proposals for Horizon Europe collaborative actions (RIA/IA/CSA).
• Avoid common and critical errors throughout the proposal writing process, including formulating the project’s core idea, building a strong consortium, developing a sound implementation plan, and showcasing the “excellence” of your Horizon Europe proposal.
• Evaluate whether your project idea is genuinely innovative and how to effectively achieve your research objectives.
• Apply a systematic approach to the Impact section, the Plan for Exploitation, Dissemination, and Communication (PEDR), the Implementation section, as well as the proposal review and evaluation process.
• Assess if you have a solid, credible, and actionable plan to bring the project from start to finish.
• Learn how to responsibly use generative AI tools throughout the entire proposal writing process: what AI is good for, and when it is recommended not to use it.

REGISTRATIONS HERE: https://forms.gle/1rQFKXq4Xrd5yssd7

Trainer: Marco Liviantoni
Duration: 14:00 hours
Dates: 5, 6 February 2025
Schedule: 9:00 - 12:30; 13:30 - 17:00
Price: Early birds EUR 800** + VAT*, deadline 15 January 2025; Regular period EUR 950** + VAT*, deadline 31 January 2025; IPN Incubated companies benefit from 15% discount in both phases
Minimum number of trainees: 8, max. 18
Registration period: From 11 of November of 2024 to 31 of January of 2025
Power BI - Revolução na visualização e análise de dados (2ª Edição)


- Compreender os diferentes níveis de decisão, objetivos e medidas no âmbito da utilização do Power BI;
- Importar e transformar eficazmente dados externos, de diferentes origens;
- Criar e gerir relações no Modelo;
- Utilizar a linguagem DAX para criação de cálculos e análise estatística de dados;
. Produzir relatórios dinâmicos e dashboards com diferentes visualizações;
- Partilhar o relatório no Power BI Service.

INSCRIÇÕES AQUI: https://forms.gle/ENCt7DEUGvAUf1YDA

Trainer: Ricardo Costa
Duration: 25:00 horas
Dates: 25, 27 fevereiro; 6, 11, 13, 18, 20 e 25 de março de 2025, das 14:00 às 17:00
Schedule: Sessões síncronas das 14:00 às 17:00 (WET)
Price: Inscrição antecipada até 10 Fevereiro - EUR250+IVA(23%); Inscrição regular: EUR325+IVA(23%); Desconto para incubadas de 15% em ambas as fases; 2 ou mais inscrições da mesma organização beneficiam de desconto adicional de 5%
Minimum number of trainees: 8, max. 20
Registration period: From 11 of November of 2024 to 24 of February of 2025