IPN - Instituto Pedro Nunes

IPN     IPN Incubadora

Highly efficient production of ultra-lightweight clay-aerogel materials and their integrated composites for building insulation


Based on the latest available data, it appears that around 40% of energy consumption and 36% of CO2 emissions in Europe are directly related to the inefficient insulation of building systems. The energy efficiency levels currently required by EU law can only be achieved by installing extra-thick conventional insulation materials at the expense of living space, or the use of unaffordable state-of-the-art insulation materials such as silica aerogel.


The ICECLAY project is developing a new generation of porous materials and products in the form of boards designed for energy efficient-efficient building solutions. These boards are capable of achieving superior thermal insulation performance with minimal thickness, providing a cost-effective alternative to the more expensive space-saving products. The same technology is used to develop similar powder-based filler solutions which can be employed in a broad range of building products such as concrete, drywalls, bricks, plaster and coatings. In technical terms, Iceclay is a new nano-structured, ultra-lightweight aerogel made from harmless and inexpensive nano-scale minerals, water and eco-friendly soluble low-cost polymers through an innovative and cost effective freeze drying process.

Project Reference

FP7 -SME-2012-1 GA 315548


FP7 - Research for the benefit of specific groups



End Date



Active Aerogels Unipessoal, Lda (PT); Instituto Pedro Nunes (PT); Brunel University (UK); Slovenski Gradbeni Grozd (SI); Construcciones Garcia Rama SL (ES); Ecoterra Desarrollo Sostenible SL (ES); Devan Chemicals NV, (BE)




Buildings, energy efficiency, clay, polymer, aerogel, thermal isolation.