IPN - Instituto Pedro Nunes - IPN highlights sustainable practices and Circular Economy strategies during information sessions

IPN     IPN Incubadora
IPN highlights sustainable practices and Circular Economy strategies during information sessions
RTD Laboratories
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Instituto Pedro Nunes (IPN) organised two information sessions on Circular Strategies, which took place on 17 December of 2024 and 23 January of 2025, at IPN and HIESE facilities, respectively.

During the sessions, the tools provided by IPN which allow to support companies regarding sustainability were presented, namely the “Circular Strategies” workshop and the Life Cycle Assessment. Through these tools, companies can implement within their organisation innovative practices based on Circular Economy, with the aim of innovating products and services, redefining business models and strengthening sustainability throughout their ecosystem.

The participants were able to share their companies’ perspective on circularity, thus contributing to the exchange of knowledge and the enrichment of the sessions.

These sessions will culminate in the “Circular Strategies” workshop, an initiative promoted by IPN, dedicated to the analysis, creation and development of circular potential of companies, which takes place on 18 February of 2025. More information on the workshop and registration here


30 of January of 2025
