IPN - Instituto Pedro Nunes - NOVExport's Call for SMEs is open

IPN     IPN Incubadora
NOVExport's Call for SMEs is open

NOVExport project is offering interested companies the possibility to benefit from a three months Acceleration Programme. The call is open from July 13th to September 25th, 2020 at 19.00 CET.

NOVExport will support companies from all sectors of activity, who intend to use the space and digital technologies. from the following regions in South-west Europe:
  • France: Nouvelle-Aquitaine
  • Portugal: Norte, Centro, Lisboa, Alentejo, Algarve
  • Spain: Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria, País Vasco, Navarra, La Rioja, Aragón, Castilla y León, Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura, Cataluña, Comunidad de Madrid, Comunidad Valenciana, Andalucía, Murcia, Ceuta, Melilla, Islas Baleares.
The participation involves access to training, mentoring, commercial preparation and speed meetings to improve their internationalization capacities.

The selected companies will benefit from a complete Acceleration Programme, with access to online tools developed by the project, training to improve innovation methodology, ongoing mentoring, matchmaking opportunities, access to an international network of support and follow-up support.

The NOVExport Acceleration programme will have a duration of three months, in two editions. Throughout this programme, the SMEs will receive training and coaching to manage advanced projects and operations in order to develop better products and services. The training will be conducted through webinar sessions, focussing on innovation and product development. The sessions will be provided by local staff from the six different NOVExport’s Hubs in France (Montpellier and the French Basque Country), Spain (Badajoz, Bilbao and Madrid) and Portugal (Coimbra).

You can find all the information about the call in the following link: https://www.novexport-sudoe.eu/call/


14 of July of 2020
