IPN - Instituto Pedro Nunes

IPN     IPN Incubadora
Company Description
Neuroeye R&D and services in electromedicine and vision psychophysiology
Noesis Portugal II, SA Development of innovative technological solutions for the optimization of information systems
Nourish Care Development of ambient assisted living solutions and services for the global market
NTTData Leading competence center for Salesforce Industry Solutions
OnRetrieval Lab specialized in data recovery. Development and delivery of forensic services for Police authorities
Parkware Development of efficient platforms for parking systems management
PAVNEXT Pavnext develops solutions to promote road safety, sustainable mombility, traffic monitoring, energy efficiency and renewable energy production.
Penthack Innovative and disruptive services in cybersecurity thanks to a team of experts in Engineering, Information Security, Research, and Psychology, joining forces with a worldwide community of Ethical Hackers - The Penthackers
Perceive3d Development of real time imaging software to improve visualisation and guide surgeons during clinical endoscopy
Pharmilab Regulatory consultancy and quality control for medical devices, cosmetics, biocides, food supplements and chemicals
Plano Cultivo Development of fully automated hydroponic production systems, optimising resources and creating quality products at low cost
PLANTALICIOUS Development of 100% plant-based products, as alternatives to typical animal origin products
PricewaterhouseCoopers With offices in 158 countries and more than 250,000 people, we are among the leading professional services networks in the world. We help organisations and individuals create the value they?re looking for, by delivering quality in assurance, tax and advisory services
PrimeLayer Development of technological solutions for the environment, spatial planning and civil protection
PrimeSoft, Lda Software development, document management, web portals and IT staffing
Projecto 4EveryPet 4EveryPet is a StartUP Voucher supported project aiming to make pet owners life easier
Projecto Juicy Solutions Mobile applications development
Projecto LockIT Smartphone locker solution
Projecto Selfashion
Projeto Esferas Development of support tools based on the internet, tablets and smartphones for interior refurbishment and design professionals
Projeto Securis Collection and processing of (un)safety data
Projeto Smart Tire Development of a system to monitor, in real time, tire wear
Projeto Top Dogs E-sports Development of events and services for the eSports market
Projeto World Wide Events