IPN - Instituto Pedro Nunes

IPN     IPN Incubadora
Company Description
exobig Development of technological tools with social impact for generation Z
Health XL Through our platform and services we help bring the people, the thinking and the technology together to shape the insight, drive innovation and lead the change in modern health
Ibermeteo Specialised weather consulting for agriculture, construction, sport and recreation, TV , insurance, transport and industry
KINETIKOS Development of clinical decision software for musculoskeletal injuries and Parkinson
LocalFy Development of digital marketing solutions to assist exporting companies in expanding into new markets, in a localized, targeted, and synchronized manner with their business partners
Rdefine Development of research and experimental development trials in light of the One Health paradigm, reinforcing the health of animals used for scientific purposes, environmental health and human health
Sharkcoders Programming, Gaming and Robotics Academy, specialized in teaching the Literacy of the Future in a fun way and focused on creating the GENIUS OF TOMORROW
Undersee Development of marine environment monitoring systems
Univenter Global study abroad peer-to-peer platform for assistance in enrolment from current students
ViBo Health Smart health tracking
Zoom Notes Development of innovative web and mobile solutions