IPN - Instituto Pedro Nunes

IPN     IPN Incubadora

Reservas Biosfera
Sustainable territories, resilient communities


Biosphere Reserves (BR) are unique territories of natural and cultural heritage and committed to protect the heritage, well-being and progress of communities. The world network of BR reflects the 2030 Agenda and SDGs at the local level, supported by UNESCO goals: education, science, culture and information.


The main objective of the Project is to value the territories of the Biosphere Reserves as living sustainability laboratories, promoting the quality of life of their inhabitants, particularly in the Portuguese context, and, simultaneously, to increase their visibility, knowledge and management capacity through instruments that promote the affirmation/ praise/ acknowledgement and identity of the 11 territories classified as Biosphere Reserves in Portugal.

Objectives, Activities and Results expected / achieved

Specific Objective 1: Identify the local players more qualified to explore the opportunities for conservation and sustainable use of the resources in territories. To this end, contacts will be made with local or regional authorities (sectoral or local-based associations, e.g. ADL). The characterisation work should focus on the business and other locally based initiatives that are exploiting this opportunity or reveal the potential to do so.

Specific Objective 2:
identify best practices of R&TD, innovation and entrepreneurship aligned with sustainable development. It will be based on the diagnosis, capture and expansion of best practices in the territories of the region and international best practices, for integration into the strategy of each Portuguese Biosphere Reserves and for support in the work of local teams. The methods to be used includes contacts, literature review, information analysis and desk research. 

Specific Objective 3:
training of local BR teams, providing them with skills to support local innovation actions, carry out activities to support the economic initiative and contribute to the self-sustainability of their projects. 

Specific Objective 4: program to support the creation of businesses that explore the opportunities of BRs. As support, there will be workshops and mentoring with trainers and experts in the various areas.

Results Achieved:
• Creation of 5 local HUBS with regional networks of companies with common interests in international markets to promote European quality products and services.

• Development of virtual platform where companies can find an offer of project applications, get information and access training and business opportunities to promote cross-fertilization businesses.

• Implementation of methodology to create or accelerate a new product or service, through market information, data and testing, as well as, going to international markets.

Project Reference



Intervention Region

Portugal, Norway and Iceland

Total Investment


IPN Investment


Total Eligible


IPN Eligible


EC Funding – Total


EC Funding – IPN



27 Months

Start Date


End Date


Approval Date



Universidade de Coimbra
Universidade Nova de Lisboa – Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
PC&A – Consultores de Marketing Estratégico, Lda
Instituto Pedro Nunes, Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento em Ciência e Tecnologia
Ordem dos Biólogos
KEEP – Knowledge for Peace, People and the Planet
Universidade de Bergen
Nordhordland Utviklingsselskap IKS
Icelandic National Commission for UNESCO




Biosphere Reserve;
Sustainable Development;