IPN - Instituto Pedro Nunes - Modular Java & Security Architecture of the Java Platform

IPN     IPN Incubadora
Modular Java & Security Architecture of the Java Platform
Laboratórios de I&DT

O Coimbra JUG vai iniciar este ano de 2017 com uma sessão dupla relacionadas com Core Java. Primeiro, com uma introdução a Java Modular e o projecto Jigsaw, que estarão presentes na versão 9 do Java. Em seguida, vamos falar sobre a segurança da JVM e discutir algumas abordagens e boas práticas para desenvolver aplicações em Java.

Para nos apresentar estes temas, teremos o prazer de contar com o Martin Toshev, do Bulgária JUG, um orador internacional com bastante experiência em tecnologias Java e relacionadas.

Abstract: "Modular Java"

The Java platform has been a monolith since its early versions with vague distinction between its different APIs and applications inherently have to deal with the shortcommings of the Java classpath for managing their dependencies. These problems are now tackled by a new module system targeted for Java 9 and provided by project Jigsaw. The session will present the current progress around project Jigsaw and its implications on the existing Java ecosystem and Java applications willing to migrate to Java 9. Capabilities of the new module system are demonstrated in a series of examples along with guidelines on the interoperability of Jigsaw with existing module systems such as OSGi.

Abstract: "Security Architecture of the Java Platform"

It is common for Java developers to either work on the implementation of a managed Java environment (such as a JavaEE application server) or an application being deployed in such an environment. In any case developers are not always aware of the security implications specific to the JVM. The session provides an overview of the security architecture of the Java platform in terms of its evolution throughout the versions of the JDK up to JDK 9 and beyond. The utilities that fullfill the security portfolio of the JDK will be discussed briefly along with several guidelines in designing and implementing secure applications by following security best practices.

Bio: Martin Toshev (@martin_fmi)

Martin is an IT consultant, Java enthusiast and has been heavily involved in the activities of the Bulgarian Java User group (BG JUG). His areas of interest include the wide range of Java-related technologies (such as Servlets, JSP, JAXB, JAXP, JMS, JMX, JAX-RS, JAX-WS, Hibernate, Spring Framework, Liferay Portal and Eclipse RCP), cloud computing technologies, cloud-based software architectures, enterprise application integration, relational and NoSQL databases. You can reach him for any Java and FOSS-related topics (especially Eclipse and the OpenJDK). Martin is also a regular speaker at Java conferences and helps with the organization of the jPrime conference in Bulgaria (http://jprime.io/).

Mais informaçõese inscrições em Coimbra JUG.


23 of February of 2017


Aceleradora de Empresas do IPN - auditório
