IPN - Instituto Pedro Nunes

IPN     IPN Incubadora
Company Description
2AllSports Development of digital platform for sports
Active Aerogels Development of innovative high performance products for thermal insulation based on aerogels
Active Space Technologies Development of thermo-mechanical engineering and electronics engineering products and services for global markets in aerospace, defence, automotive, nuclear fusion, and scientific sectors
Aerocamaras Drone training,development and services
Afinomaq - Núcleo de I&D R&D in solutions and equipment for filling, capping and labeling for the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries
Airborne Projects Custom software and hardware solutions for Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles
Amo Vida Integrating service based on monitoring, telecare, transportation and repatriation, serving its customers 24 hours a day
Ariadne Editora Development of knowledge interfaces
Arstram Development of solutions for metal Additive Manufacturing.
Artescan - 3D Scanning Advanced and qualified services in geo information and high definition 3D mapping
Atelier 239 Modeling and 3D rendering for architectural activities
B-SIMPLE IT solutions for medical care
BeMotion Digital Development of integrated online communication solutions
Bind Up Technologies Development of innovative technological solutions
BioPass ID Development of a platform for cloud-based biometrics and AI processing
Bits e Saberes Digital communications
Bliss Applications Design, Usability and Web/Mobile based Software
Blue Energy
Bluetrend Technologies Design and development of solutions for the e-commerce sector
BMHTec Development of innovative solutions in orthopedic biomechanics
BookMarc Development of bibliographic information systems
BrainEyes Research and development of new diagnostic and rehabilitation technologies for ophthalmology, neurology and pediatrics
Breathespark Development of equipment for renewable energy production
Broadscope Tailored software development, consulting and training. Specialists in Microsoft technologies